Ambitious, experienced and careful with attention to detail.
In early 2004 domain was registered and creating a small personal webpage became my first goal. After spending many days with HTML and CSS, I was satisfied with the result.
In the following years many webpages were implemented using simple PHP backend and some JavaScript logic. Towards the end of my high school, I began to work on a simple web-based statistical game, throwing in all knowledge I had at that point.
The story continued during my college years, where I had worked on various genetic, evolutionary, audio and other algorithms, implementing them in either C# or Java. Usually a simple desktop interface based on Windows Forms or Windows Presentation Foundation was sufficient. First part of the story was concluded with a Bachelor’s degree with developing a fully-featured PHP framework called Emotion Engine.
The second part of the story had continued on iOS, where multiple college projects were done on a mobile phone, improving my experience, including the Master’s degree.
As for the third part of the story, it is currently still being written…

Dal Rupnik
Experienced Software Engineer with passion for mobile applications and focus on user experience, smooth and natural user interaction.